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Legacies: October 3, 2024


100 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
October 5, 1924

Drilling was resumed yesterday morning on the Montroy hot water well by I.H. Jones and J.P. Sisson. They had previously reached a depth of about 149 feet with a light flow of warm water, and only drilled a few minutes when they struck a heavy flow of hot artesian water at the 151-foot depth.

They continued drilling and at this writing have reached the 180-foot depth, while the flow of water has increased both in volume and pressure. Its temperature is about 121 degrees Fahrenheit, but they will continue until the lower stratum of water has been reached, which carries the same temperature as the hot spring, or 153 degrees.

The unfortunate feature about the present strike of hot water is that it has considerably lessened the pressure of the Arlington well, with the result that the water cannot be forced through the pipes sufficiently for heating purposes, which also affects the Citizens bank, Hatcher Hdw. Co. store, New Light & Power Co. office and the Masonic lodge rooms, all of which receive their supply for heating from this well.

75 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 30, 1949

The American Legion at its regular meeting on Thursday night of last week scheduled activities for the fall months and announced that the first of these activities open to the general public would be a bingo party which is to be held Friday, October 7. The Bingo party will be held at the Legion House in the town park and the public is cordially invited to attend.

The Legion will also hold a stag party at the Legion House on Armistice Day, Friday, November 11. This party is open to all of the men in this part of the county and a good time is assured all those who attend. The Legion is putting on these various affairs in order to raise the necessary funds to complete paying for their club house. They hope to make a nice profit on both of the above affairs and the public is promised a good time.

Paul A. Day, fireman, USN, of Pagosa Springs, is serving as a crew member aboard the attack transport USS George Clymer, which is participating this Fall in “Operation Miki”, a large-scale amphibious exercise in the Pacific.

50 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
October 3, 1974

Dr. Randall Davis has opened his dental practice in Pagosa Springs. Dr. Davis opened his office last week in a location between Harvey’s Motel and the bridge at the east edge of town.

The building occupied has been completely remodeled and redecorated inside and out. The interior is very tastefully decorated in early day styles. The new dentist has all new equipment of the latest design, including x-ray equipment.

Dr. Davis and his wife, Cindy, came here early this spring to prepare for the opening of the practice. Slow delivery of equipment made it much later than expected. The equipment is now complete, however.

The weather here is pleasant, temperatures are mild, skies are clear, fall colors are at their peak, and tourists are few. Minimum temperature this past week was 20 degrees, the day time highs have been near 70 degrees, and it is very pleasant.

25 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 30, 1999

August sales tax collections in Archuleta County this year totaled $443,258, an increase of 28.8 percent over the collections for August of 1998.

Since Jan. 1, the county has taken in $2,650,484, an increase of 14.83 percent over year-to-date collections through August of last year.

Sales taxes collected in Archuleta County are divided with the town of Pagosa Springs on a 50-50 basis. The county’s portion is apportioned among its general fund, road and bridge fund, and road improvement fund. So far this year, the general fund has received $530,097, the road and bridge fund $132,524, and the road improvement fund $110,815.

The town’s $1,325,242 share of this year’s collections is used for capital improvement projects. About 90 percent of the sales taxes are collected from businesses located within town boundaries.

Representatives of United Blood Services will be in Pagosa Springs from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 30, to accept donations at the Mountain Heights Baptist Church located at 1044 Park Avenue. According to a flyer mailed out late last week, United Blood Services in Durango is “out of blood.”