San Juan Outdoor Club to meet Aug. 1


The San Juan Outdoor Club is in the middle of its summer hiking season. 

The club is devoted to providing outdoor opportunities for its members — by its members — and offer a schedule that includes weekly day hikes. We also do other activities such as mountain biking, theater nights at the Pagosa Springs Center for the Arts, monthly meetings covering topics of interest and three parties a year. 

We also are partnered with the Forest Service on a number of volunteer projects and we’d love to have you join us on these, as well, if you would find these interesting. 

Our primary goal is to get outdoors and have fun together. 

The hikes cater to a range of ability levels and, while most take place in the beautiful mountains that surround Pagosa Springs, we also schedule a few trips that are farther away. If you appreciate the out-of-doors and would like to get out with a group of like-minded people, we encourage you to join us.

Our next general meeting is Thursday, Aug. 1, at the Pagosa Lakes Clubhouse, 230 Port Ave.

Guests are welcome. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. with light refreshments and the talk begins at 7 p.m.

Our speaker will be Alex Handloff with the Mountain Studies Institute and the San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership. 

He will discuss the science of snow focusing on the value of snow as a water storage resource.  He will present data and an evaluation of the trends in snowpack, current issues impacting snowpack, and steps being taken to solve these issues regionally.

There are membership applications available at the meeting for those who wish to join our club and participate in the fun. Please also check us out on our website,

We hope to see you at the meeting or out on the trails.