Candidates announced for LPEA’s director elections


La Plata Electric Association’s (LPEA) independent election supervisory committee has qualified candidates for the cooperative’s 2024 board of directors election.

LPEA has four director districts, established geographically. Each year, LPEA’s membership elects four representatives to the LPEA Board of Directors, one from each district.

“LPEA is a cooperative, which means we are owned by our members,” said Graham Smith, LPEA interim CEO. “I encourage members to learn about the candidates and vote to make sure their voice is heard in the LPEA boardroom.” 

Qualified candidates for the 2024 director elections are as follows: 

• District 1, Archuleta County: Dusty Mars is running against incumbent Kirsten Skeehan. 

• District 2, south and west La Plata County: Incumbent Kohler McInnis is running unopposed. Pending formal approval by the LPEA board, McInnis will be declared elected. 

• District 3, city of Durango: Incumbent Ted Compton is running unopposed. Pending formal approval by the LPEA board, Compton will be declared elected. 

• District 4, north and east La Plata County: Incumbent Tim Wheeler is running against candidate John Purser. 

Director candidate

The following statements were submitted by the candidates. 


“I’m uniquely qualified to serve as a board member of LPEA. Having extended family that are current members, and roots here that run back to the 1800’s, what transpires to keep affordable and dependable energy delivered in the cleanest manner possible is of great importance. My education in engineering and application of this knowledge to provide energy in the San Juan Basin makes me well suited to understand the dynamics in continuing this effort through LPEA. I’m a successful business owner and understand the dynamics of running an organization. A vote for me is a vote for common sense and innovative solutions to supplying our community’s energy needs for today and the future.”


“These are rapidly evolving times at LPEA as we diversify our supply sources - and that’s why Kirsten’s expertise and experience make her an ideal board member for you. Her focus continues to be: RELIABLE, SECURE, AFFORDABLE electricity.

“During her 26 years in Pagosa Kirsten’s community service has been highlighted through her involvement with LPEA and the Archuleta County Housing Authority. As co-owner of Pagosa Baking Company she provided employment, growth opportunities and contributions for hundreds of folks and countless community projects. Kirsten is a small business owner with a technical background: BS from the U.S. Naval Academy; Naval Intelligence; information systems and worldwide secure communications; MBA; computer operations and project management. The age of relying on single electricity sources is past and LPEA is embracing the challenge. Growing pressure on the grid by increased demands and aging infrastructure requires complex solutions. The experienced leadership Kirsten brings is more important than ever as we build these solutions together. Kirsten is: 

“• Always aware of how your livelihood and daily life depend on electricity in the right place at the right time. 

“• A curious and inquisitive decision maker. She learns from her own and others’ successes and failures. 

“• A proud nerd, using research and analysis to inform decisions in business and at LPEA.

“As Electric Coop members we are responsible to each other. Kirsten will continue to work with you to ensure we have the RELIABLE, SECURE, AFFORDABLE energy we need now AND in the future. Please vote for her.” 

Ballots to be mailed in August

Ballots will be mailed to LPEA members in mid-August. 

To be counted, ballots must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Sept. 17. 

Alternatively, members are invited to vote in person at the annual meeting. Detailed submission instructions will be included in the ballots.

Election results will be confirmed at LPEA’s annual meeting, scheduled to take place on Sept. 18 at LPEA’s Durango office from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. 

For the latest details on the annual meeting, visit LPEA’s website.