UUs to stream general assembly Sunday service


The Pagosa Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship is a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). 

Each year, UUs gather from around the US and Canada to convene at the general assembly (GA), not only for association business, but to worship and be in community with one another.

A unique service is coming up at the Pagosa fellowship this Sunday, as we share the complete GA Sunday service with glorious music, inspired speakers, visits to an array of UU congregations, images of weaving around the world and a powerful message from the Rev. Molly Housh Gordon.

Her sermon, “Weaving our Lives,” poses the question, “We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all of us are held in care?”

A lifelong UU from Tulsa, Oklahoma, Housh Gordon is the minister of the UU Church of Columbia, Mo., where she is currently suing the state of Missouri for its unconstitutional abortion ban alongside 13 other multifaith clergy co-plaintiffs. 

She is passionate about red-state UU ministry, community organizing and mutual aid. 

In addition to her ministry and organizing work, she is a published essayist and poet completing a doctor of ministry in creative writing and public theology. 

Alongside her wonderful spouse, she is the delighted parent of two very fierce young children and one very chill old dog.

The service will take us something over an hour, but is so delightful to eye and ear as Housh Gordon weaves her message that time will fly.

The fellowship’s in-person services are normally on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10:30 a.m. 

Find us in Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza 301 N. Pagosa Blvd. on the north side facing the Pagosa Peak. 

Joining us through Zoom is also an option using the following meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8991941305. 

Visit our website, www.pagosauu.org, to find our current newsletter. 

Offered on alternate Sundays, in-person meditation practice is held on the second and fourth Sundays at 9 a.m. We recommend emailing PagosaUUF@gmail.com to be added to the announcement list for any changes to the schedule. All are welcome.