UUs to learn about spiritual alchemy


This Sunday the message at our Unitarian Universalist service, “Alchemy as a Guide for the Spiritual Path,” will be delivered by Stacey Couch. 

The alchemy that Stacey speaks of is not really about the medieval practice of turning lead into gold with fire. It is about spiritual transformation, about our union with nature and the divine.

The starting point for ancient alchemy is any base substance or situation while the prima materia for the spiritual alchemist are troubled feelings such as confusion, loss, stuck-ness, listlessness or sadness from which the spiritual alchemical process begins. In this presentation, Couch will share the history and fundamentals of alchemy and will teach how to use this ancient practice as a metaphor for one’s soul work.

As a spiritual advisor, Couch has served people in more than 30 countries and 48 states. She lives in Pagosa Springs with her son, husband, cat, dog and two horses. She has called Pagosa home since 2011 and is the author of “Gracious Wild: A Shamanic Journey with Hawks.” 

About the fellowship

Our fellowship offers each individual support in our unique spiritual path and an opportunity to participate in positive social and environmental action. We welcome diversity and invite everyone to share in our faith community.

In-person services are on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10:30 a.m. and are available by Zoom. Join our Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8991941305. 

Regarding COVID-19 protocols, masking continues to be optional and social distancing is encouraged; please note that tracking of the COVID-19 hospital admissions level in Archuleta County has returned to low. 

 Find us in Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza 301 N. Pagosa Blvd., on the north side facing Pagosa Peak. 

If the service is canceled due to winter weather, a notification will be placed on pagosauu.org by 8:30 a.m. 

For more information about the fellowship, our services and the other activities, please see www.pagosauu.org or email info@pagosauu.org.