Spiritual Experiences Group to discuss daily struggles and spiritual grace


What is spiritual grace? Would you like to know how to achieve it?

We live in a time of unequaled spiritual opportunity. The daily struggles that life presents are opportunities for spiritual grace. Graceful living is to realize that everything that comes into your life is for the good. It is having the grace to accept God’s will as it appears.

Everything is right when there is neither too much nor too little for the time and place. So it is with your spiritual life. And so it is with spiritual grace.

Join the Spiritual Experiences Group of Pagosa Springs on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 1 p.m. for a lively discussion about “How Our Daily Struggles Help Us Cultivate Spiritual Grace.” It will be a good beginning to the new year.

We will meet at the Pagosa Lakes Property Owners Association Clubhouse, 230 Port Ave.

This free event is sponsored by Eckankar as a community service and is a spiritual resource for people of all faiths and beliefs. It is an individual, creative practice to experience our unique relationship with the divine.

Join The Spiritual Experiences Group of Pagosa Springs at https://www.meetup.com/pagosa-springs-spiritual-experiences-group/.