More than 62,000 Colorado workers receive benefits in first six months of FAMLI


More than 62,000 Colorado workers have been able to get partial pay replacement when life events forced them to step away from their job this year under the state’s new Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program.

The FAMLI Division, part of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, announced that it has distributed roughly $311 million this year to Colorado workers who filed claims.

Colorado is the first state to set up a paid-leave program through a public vote, instead of through the legislative branch. Colorado workers and businesses started paying premiums to fund the insurance program in 2023.

As of July 1, $311,129,690 has been sent to 62,632 approved FAMLI claims.

Here are some more statistics about the first six months of FAMLI benefits:

• 53.3 days is the average leave duration for Colorado workers taking continuous leave.

• 44,400 is the number of Colorado workers who have completed their FAMLI leaves and returned to work.

• 38,510 have submitted FAMLI claims to care for one’s own serious health condition.

• 32,834 submitted FAMLI claims to bond with a new child.

• $915.30 is the average FAMLI payment.

• 96.7 percent of FAMLI claimants filed their claims using the State’s My FAMLI+ online portal.

FAMLI benefits are calculated on a sliding scale using the individual’s average weekly wage from the previous five calendar quarters in relation to the average weekly wage for the state of Colorado. 

That statewide average weekly wage ticked up 3.5 percent on July 1 to $1,471.34. Some active FAMLI claimants may see a slight increase in their benefit payments; others will remain the same if they are already getting the maximum benefit amount. Workers can get an estimate of their potential benefit payments on the online Premium and Benefits calculator.

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