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Legacies: September 12, 2024


100 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 12, 1924

We regret to report that Dr. Mary Fisher was taken ill the first of the week with diphtheria, but is now fast improving and will soon be her usual self. The disease was contracted when a child was recently brought to her home from the Southwestern Colorado Lrb. Co. mill for treatment and was found to  be seriously ill from the disease, having since died. Ill luck seems to be on the trail of the doctor in recent months, she having this spring been seriously ill from blood poisoning.

Trout fry to the extent of 60,000 will arrive tonight from the Leadville hatchery for distribution in the streams of this section: 30,000 to the upper Piedra and Weminuche, 12,000 to East fork, 12,000 to West fork and 6,000 to the Big Blanco river. In addition, 16,000 will arrive at Chama to be placed in the Navajo river.

A family of eleven children in this county, all of whom are under 12 years of age, are greatly in need of clothing and shoes in order that they may attend school. Anyone having wearing apparel that they can contribute to this needy family, may leave same with Mrs. Jessie Hayden at the court house.

75 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 9, 1949

The local schools opened on Tuesday morning of this week for the 1949-50 school term with a total enrollment of 324 students. The largest enrollment is that of the first grade which has 45 pupils. The 2nd and 3rd grades each have 36, the 4th 33, 5th 29, 6th 24, 7th 34, 8th 16, 9th 17, 10th 23, 11th 17, and there are 14 seniors.

The registration this year compares with 302 at the same time last year which is a substantial increase. Football practice has started under the direction of Coach Dale Moore and as soon as the schedule for the league has been worked out it will be published in the SUN.

A deal was completed last week whereby Mrs. Esther Moorehead became the sole owner of the Moorehead Garage, buying out her former partners, Aubrey Fowler and Jim Moorehead. Mrs. Moorehead took over the active management of the garage as of September 1st and will conduct the business under the same name as heretofore. Mrs. Moorehead will also retain the present line of Chrysler and Plymouth cars along with the general garage business.

50 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 12, 1974

Work on the walls of the Court House Addition is going ahead rapidly and it shouldn’t be too long before the structure is ready for a roof. Contractors in this area are working rapidly on all projects so that they may be under roof when that first fall storm hits and that could be at any time.

Harold Schutz, Chairman of the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners, laid the cornerstone for the new addition to the Court House Monday. The addition adjoins the main building on the west side, will provide space for a commissioner’s meeting room, Welfare Department offices, and other space. Hessler Construction Co. is the contractor and the building is scheduled for completion in early November. Cost is $85,000, with the funds coming from federal reserve sharing program.

The hot water well belonging to the town and located at the site of the old town hall has been repaired. The well also furnishes water for the fountain on the parking fill. It has been leaking for several months but has now been repaired, a protective pipe placed around it, and stanchions to prevent damage from reckless drivers are in place.

25 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 9, 1999

Wolf Creek Broadcasting LLC, headed by Will Spears, took over the management of KWUF 106.3 FM and 1400 AM as of Sept. 1.

Spears said that, except for some fine tuning,” the KWUF format will remain the same. “The staff is more or less the same as it was, and we plan to keep it that way, Spears said.

“My family and I moved out here from Los Angeles,” he said. “We had been seeking a radio station for the past five years, looking all over the country. I had been in management and finance and had been a geologist and wanted to get into the radio business.” 

Spears and his wife, Christie, have three children: 5-year-old twin daughters Courtney and Brook, and Trey, their 2-year-old son.

About living in Pagosa, Spears said, “We love the outdoors and the people we’ve met here. We’re looking forward to getting to know the community and becoming a part of it.”