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Commissioners hear update on buildings and grounds projects


At its July 23 work session, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) heard an update on the county’s buildings and grounds from Buildings and Grounds Manager Daniel Matyniak. 

Matyniak opened his update by stating that, in the past six months, the department has made several upgrades to the Colorado State University Extension building, including installing new flooring in several areas, installing new toilets, installing new toilet paper and paper towel dispensers, and replacing a water heater at the building.

He added that the department also worked with Road and Bridge to upgrade the Colorado State University Extension building parking lot by adding asphalt millings.

Matyniak stated that the department repaired heat and air conditioning units in several county buildings, including the Archuleta County Combined Dispatch Center, the county clerk’s office, the county treasurer’s office and the county office in Arboles.

He indicated that staff installed conduit at the county buildings in Arboles to prevent damage to the data cables at the site.

Staff also replaced a faulty switch on the backup generator at the county detention center, Matyniak stated.

He indicated that the department completed a roof repair project on the Archuleta County Sheriff’s Office’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) building by using a spray-on coating.

Matyniak pointed out that the department ordered and installed signs designating parking spaces as being reserved for county business behind the old county courthouse.

He then covered upcoming projects, which include roof repairs on the county Public Works Department building, and roof repair and siding replacement at the Extension building.

He added that painting is also scheduled to occur in various sections of the Extension building.

Matyniak stated that the department also plans to work with Road and Bridge Department to upgrade the parking lot at Cloman Park and to install a backup generator at the Archuleta County Public Health Department building in the event of power failures.

He noted that the department is currently waiting to receive designs for upgrading the parking lot at the public health building.

With these projects, Matyniak explained that the department has been able to stay within its budget for 2024.

He added that the department is fully staffed.

Commissioner Ronnie Maez commented that he appreciates Matyniak’s responsiveness to requests he made, and Commissioner Warren Brown added that he appreciates Matyniak staying within the department’s budget.

Matyniak noted that the savings on the EOC and Public Works Department roof projects allowed the department to invest money in repairing the Extension building roof, which he noted is not in the 2024 budget.

Brown asked if expansions to the number of staff in the department helped it with operations.

Matyniak stated that the additional staff have “definitely helped” and allowed progress on additional projects.

Maez commented that maintenance was often not done or done in a haphazard manner previously.

Commissioner Veronica Medina commented that it was an “awesome moment” for her when Matyniak informed her about the fact that the savings on the other roof projects would allow work to be done on the Extension building roof.

She commended his leadership and ability to consider the “big picture.”

She also noted Matyniak’s ability to maintain full staffing and responsiveness to issues she brought to him.

“So, thank you for your dedication to the county, thank you for all that you do for us, and have a great day,” Medina said.

“Thank you. I really appreciate that,” Matyniak replied.