Let’s get your mind back in shape


By John Lough

Special to The PREVIEW

It’s the time of the year when many of us get serious about getting our bodies back in shape. After all those holiday treats, we may notice that our clothes are just a wee bit tighter and that we seem out of breath much more often.

But while getting and staying physically fit is a great goal, many of us ignore the idea that we also need to be mentally fit. And just as you can exercise your muscles to get in better physical shape, there are things you can do to reduce stress and get your feelings and attitudes into better shape.

One starting point for shaping up your mental health is simply to make some time for yourself. It’s easy in today’s busy world to find yourself buried in work, family issues and social obligations, leaving little or no time for yourself.

An easy fix to that is to create a daily schedule that includes a time slot for “you.” Actually schedule a time each day when you can do one thing that you find relaxing or enjoyable, then stick to that schedule. When it’s “you” time, pick up a book or take that walk and leave the stress behind.

The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.