Vesicular stomatitis update: Positive diagnosis in six Colorado counties


By Christi Lightcap

Special to The SUN

As of July 22, the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s State Veterinarian’s Office had 29 locations in six counties under quarantine after horses, mules and a cattle herd and other horse facilities in Larimer County tested positive for vesicular stomatitis (VS).

Those locations are: Delta County, nine total current premises, three released quarantines; La Plata County, four total current premises; Larimer County, five total current premises; Las Animas County, one current premise; Montezuma County, five total current premises; Montrose County, five total current premises, one released quarantine.

Livestock owners who suspect an animal may have VS or any other vesicular disease should immediately contact their local veterinarian. Livestock with clinical signs of VS are isolated until they are determined to be of no further threat for disease spread. There are no USDA-approved vaccines for VS. While rare, human cases of VS can occur, usually among those who handle infected animals. VS in humans can cause flu-like symptoms and only rarely includes lesions or blisters.

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