Vegetation management operations underway on Pagosa Ranger District


The Pagosa Ranger District anticipates timber harvesting and log hauling along several National Forest System roads through the end of the year. 

Vegetation management work on the district aims to achieve various resource objectives including, but not limited to: fuels reduction, wildlife habitat improvement and forest health, in addition to supporting local and regional wood product industries.

While no closures are in place, forest visitors should be aware that heavy machinery will be operating in the forest and there will be increased truck traffic along haul routes. Not all areas or roads will have activity occurring during all periods of the summer.

Impacted areas/roads

• Kenny Flats (NFSR 006)

• Nipple Mountain/Aspen Spur/Porcupine (NRSRs 665, 024 and 735)

• Piedra Road (County Road 600 and NFSR 631)

• Sand Bench area (NRSRs 642 and 631)

• Williams Creek area (NRSRs 640, 644 and 987)

• Trail Ridge area (NRSR 639)

•Turkey Springs/Brockover (NRSRs 639 and 919)

• Jackson Mountain (NFSR 037)

• Devil Creek (NRSR 627)

In addition, helicopter logging will be occurring along the La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) powerline from Bayfield to Pagosa and will be highly visible from U.S. 160. LPEA is removing vegetation along this transmission line, which provides the backup power source for Pagosa Springs along with the surrounding rural areas. Vegetation management along this line is necessary to ensure LPEA’s ability to safely maintain and operate the transmission line, minimize the potential for wildfire, and meet the standards associated with Electric Reliability Standard FAC-003-4.

For more information on vegetation management activities across the Pagosa Ranger District, please contact Forest Service Representative Josh Merrill-Exton at

For information on the San Juan National Forest, call (970) 247-4874 or visit the forest website.