UUs to host the Rev. Christine Robinson Sunday


By Pauline Benetti

Pagosa UU Fellowship

This year, 2020, will be remembered by so many of us as the most anxious of time. A time full of angst, whether for family, friends, frontline responders, the weak and vulnerable among us, jobs, home, county, the human condition and the list goes on. So much to be anxious about and so much of it out of our control. Where do we go for help? Whom do we listen to? Our guest minister this Sunday will reflect on answers to our questions.

The Rev. Christine Robinson has offered services to our fellowship in person many times over her 32 years with First Unitarian in Albuquerque. Her sermon this Sunday morning at our Zoom service will be, “Will you Listen to yourself!” 

Robinson commented, “We are often told that the good life is one of ‘being in the moment,’ always aware of what is going on around us in the world. Dogs are really good at that and it is one of the things we love them for. But people are more complicated than dogs because we have an inner life … which we also need to ‘listen’ to and learn from.” 

Robinson is the minister emerita of the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, a gardener, church consultant and dog owner. 

Join us

Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88284380641?pwd=ZnAycGppOUdZTVlJMlRYVGV6OVdQdz09, telephone: (346) 248-7799, meeting ID: 882 8438 0641, password: 059944.

Our fellowship offers each individual support in our unique spiritual path and an opportunity to participate in positive social and environmental action. We welcome diversity and invite everyone to share in our faith community. Please call this number with questions: 731-7900.

Religious Exploration (RE) classes have been temporarily canceled due to COVID-19. For more information about RE, contact Anna Ramirez at afrancis_@hotmail.com.