Unitarian Universalists add small-group ministry program


A renewed offering is beginning at the Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Sunday, Sept. 22, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. As we ease into the start of a new school and church year, we are adding Going Deeper-Small Group Ministry to our monthly programs. 

This month, and into October our small group focus will be on “What the World Needs Now: Universalism in a Polarized Age.”

The Sunday services have given us food for thought, and we will ponder questions in a safe, welcoming environment. This week the exploration takes us on a journey of curiosity into the following:

• Fear and its influence.

• The challenge of “Us vs. Them.”

• Politics and identity.

• Our personal actions and accountability.

We invite participants to bring a sack lunch if you choose, and treats and beverages will be provided. 

We meet at Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza 301 N. Pagosa Blvd. on the north side facing Pagosa Peak.

What is small-group ministry for Unitarian Universalists (UUs)?

The following information is from UUA.org, the UU Association’s website.

We embrace that ministry happens in relationship. Small-group ministry deepens and expands the ministry of a congregation by providing an intentional container for those relationships.

Small-group ministry provides several key patterns in congregational life:

• Intimacy or building community and deepening relationships.

• Ultimacy or providing opportunity for deeper spiritual exploration and search for meaning.

• Group pastoral care or listening deeply to one another as each shares stories of their life journey. Deeper needs can be communicated to the minister or lay spiritual care team.

• Stickiness or the likelihood that people will feel that the congregation is their spiritual home.

• Accountability or the practice of being in covenantal relationship by making an intentional commitment to one another in service of the gathered group and its higher purpose.

• Leadership development for facilitators by practicing and getting support.

We welcome all interested in this timely topic to join us for contemplation and deep listening with fellow seekers. Attendance at the Sunday service is not necessary or required to attend this program, but all are invited to attend our added fifth Sunday, Sept. 29, as we continue the series and hear a sermon entitled “The Underdog,” exploring how power and vulnerability impacts the call of Universalism.