TARA Food Pantry receives grants for food


The TARA Food Pantry in Arboles has been able to procure two grants this month. 

These grants will make the TARA Food Pantry sustainable and able to offer more quality produce, dairy and meats to our community. 

The Ballantine Family Foundation is a longtime supporter and this is the first grant award from the Moniker Foundation. 

The TARA Food Pantry opened in 2020. It has grown to be the second largest pantry in Archuleta County. 

The need for food has been growing as the price of groceries, utilities, gas and rent has increased a great deal. 

We find we are now supporting more of the “working poor” — those who both work but cannot make ends meet with the current inflation. We are glad to support our families in our community. 

We are open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No questions are asked and there are no forms to fill out. We are here for the people who need food and are happy to provide and meet their needs.