Public Notice

Archuleta School District 50 Jt.
Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Board of Education of the Archuleta School District 50 Jt. on May 28, 2024 for the 2024-2025 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and has been filed in the Administration Office of the School District where it will be available for public inspection. It is also available for review on the District website, under Departments>Finance>2024-2025 Proposed Budget. Such proposed budget will be considered for adoption at a special virtual meeting of the Board of Education of said District on June 25, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. A YouTube meeting link will be posted on the District’s web site <U></U>; and on BoardDocs at least 24 hours prior to the June 25 meeting.
Any person paying school taxes in said district may at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget file or register his or her objections thereto.
May 29, 2024
Archuleta School District 50 Jt.
Mike Hodgson, Finance Director
<*J>Published June 13 & 20, 2024 in <I>The Pagosa Springs SUN</I>. (239033)