New Thought Center to meet Sunday


The Sunday service on June 23 at 10:30 a.m. will include live music with Shelly, meditation and group discussion. 

Upcoming events

June 20, 6 p.m.: Illuminations with Paulette Bennett, herbalist.

June 21: Celebrating the summer solstice Playshop with Red Eagle and White Eagle. We will meditate in nature on a special hike and help balance Mother Earth grids with energy work and intention. Pack a lunch, drinking water and a journal. The cost is a $35 donation. 

June 22, 10 a.m. to noon: Workshop with Paulette Bennett, “Tapping Into Mother Nature’s Healing Power to Overcome today’s Unprecedented Challenge on our Immune System”. Contact (970) 510-0309 to reserve your space.

New Thought events are held at 3505 W. U.S. 160, on the second floor of the Pagosa Lodge (elevator available).