New pickup day, location for hanging baskets announced


The Chamber has been alerted that after many years of a Friday delivery just prior to the Memorial Day weekend for our annual hanging baskets, we now have a new day and date. 

Those ordering the 12-inch baskets will now need to pick up their baskets on Tuesday, May 21. The flowers should be ready after noon. 

We will also have a new, more convenient location to pick up the baskets. 

Thanks to the Pagosa Springs Parks and Recreation Department, we will be using Mary Fisher Park on San Juan Street to hand out the baskets. This park will allow one-way in and one-way out access, plenty of parking, and space for people to move about and select their baskets. 

It will also give access to the delivery service and its semi truck. Instead of turning into the Visitor Center parking lot, participants will now turn east onto San Juan Street by the Healing Waters Spa. Travel down the street to the second driveway to enter the parking lot, and exiting will occur at the first driveway. 

Signage will be present; therefore, please adhere to the instructions for a smooth pick-up experience. 

The 16-inch baskets are scheduled tentatively for pickup on May 30. These flowers will be available for pickup at the Chamber in the Visitor Center parking lot. The 16-inch baskets are sold out. More details of the actual time will be announced soon.

There are still 12-inch baskets for sale. Visit the Chamber website at Click on the Hanging Basket graphic and that will take you straight to the registration site. Baskets will be available until sold out. 

The weather should be warming up soon and people are champing at the bit to get their gardens, porches and patios planted and decorated. Order your baskets now.

Event guideline
informational meeting

The Chamber will be hosting an important informational meeting regarding changes in fire code and food handling guidelines for both indoor and outdoor events. 

The session will be held on Thursday, May 23, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Ross Aragon Community Center. 

An event now is anticipated to be triggered when more than 50 people are expected at the event. There are also new registration processes for events with the agencies involved with the fire code and food handling guidelines. 

Event coordinators, nonprofit agencies, event venue businesses and food truck vendors are encouraged to attend. Some of the information may be relevant to you, or your event may not constitute any changes; however, it is always good to be in the know. 

It is important that someone from your organization or business attend this meeting. 

Documentation outlining these new guidelines can be obtained by contacting the Chamber director at or by calling Mary Jo at (970) 264-2360. Please review these guidelines and come prepared with questions. 

We appreciate everyone trying to make this meeting in person. There is a Zoom invitation if you cannot attend in person. Please contact Mary Jo if you did not receive the Zoom link and would like to attend remotely. 

Both indoor and outdoor larger events are becoming more popular. Events often affect traffic patterns, constitute a large number of attendees and require interagency cooperation. No event coordinator, business or nonprofit agency wants to have an incident at their event. While there is now an added layer of paperwork, most agencies are already working on hosting safe events and these additional guidelines should not be too much of an added workload. If you have specific questions on how these guidelines affect your event, it is important to have your voice heard at this meeting. 

Should you have questions, you can also direct those questions to Mary Jo through the email address above. These questions will be forwarded to the relevant agency and discussed at the meeting on the May 23. Thank you for taking time to find out what these new guidelines are and how they might affect your event.