Legacies: September 19, 2024


100 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 19, 1924

The worst forest fire that has occurred in the San Juan National forest this season started Monday on the Piedra and was not extinguished until Wednesday, after about seventy acres had been burned over. The definite cause is not known but two hunters had been in that territory a short time previous, one of them later assuming the responsibility of starting the blaze from a discarded cigarette or match but not knowing positively that he had done so.

Unless there is a last minute “slip up” one of the most important realty deals for a long time in the San Juan Basin, will be consummated before January 1. It will involve the sale of the hot springs property and the expenditure of over a hundred thousand dollars in transforming the resort into one of the most modern health restorative institutions in America.

A group of Oklahoma capitalists have secured an option on the property from Mrs. O.F. Boyle, the owner, the option to expire on January 1. 

Silas W. Smith of this city has prepared the plans for the resort which include a modern hotel, cottages, bathhouses and all the necessary buildings.

75 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 16, 1949

One of the most interesting special editions received here in a long time was the 60th Anniversary edition of the Silverton Standard. Ross Beaber is editor of the Standard and in his 20 page edition many stories of the early days in Silverton were re-printed. Many of the cuts and illustrations were of pioneer days and depicted the heyday of the mining industry in that area.

There is a great demand for apartments this fall and many of the people coming in are unable to locate accommodations. Anyone having a modern apartment for rent is asked to leave word with Dick DeVore, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. It is anticipated that at least eight more apartments are needed at the present time.

50 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 19, 1974

Construction of a chair lift at Wolf Creek Pass is going ahead nicely with some of the towers now in place. The new lift is expected to be ready by the time there is enough snow for skiing. Season tickets for the area are now on sale locally at the Citizens Bank.

Crews are installing underground electrical conduits in Eaton’s Pagosa. The utilities there are all being placed underground. In many areas this means drilling the hard rock, then blasting out trenches. About $900,000 was expended this year on the installation of water and sewer lines and most of the trenches had to be blasted.

The weather this past week has most certainly been of the fall type, which was to be expected. The trees and foliage on the mountains are rapidly turning colors, and there are now some snow capped peaks visible from town.

Temperatures, other than Wednesday of last week, have not been that warm. On the other hand night time lows haven’t been too close to freezing. Maximum for the week was 80 degrees last Wednesday. Since that time the daytime highs ranged from 62 to 75.

25 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
September 16, 1999

Debra Brown, representing the county-appointed Vision Committee, asked the county commissioners Tuesday to develop a position concerning the county commissioner’s request that voters authorize them to retain excess revenues.

“We need to educate the public on the reasons they should support your proposal so the county will have funds for long-range planning,” Brown said. “We’re here to offer our help. What do we do? There is an air of suspicion about what you will do with the money. Our main question is, where will the money go?”

The county has placed an item on the Nov. 2 ballot asking voters to allow them to keep all excess county revenues excepting property tax revenues. In support of the county, the Vision Committee is asking the commissioners to cooperate in defining a position so that “we will all be telling the people the same things.”

Last year the county appointed the Vision Committee and armed it with the task of making recommendations concerning county growth and development. Areas of concern include planning, zoning, and various building permit functions.