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Legacies: June 13, 2024


100 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
June 13, 1924

Edw. Teyssier, contractor on the Putnam hill road project, announces that the new road will probably be open for traffic by the end of June.

Display your flags tomorrow, for it is Flag Day and marks the 147th anniversary of the official birth of the U.S. flag, which occurred on June 14, 1777.

The New Light & Power Co. is now engaged in installing new poles and 53 new bracket lamps.

Dr. Pollock will again come from St. Louis with about forty boys to spend several weeks at the boys’ camp at Allison.

A fair-sized crowd attended the play, “Brown Eyed Betty,” produced by the Campfire Girls and Boy Scouts under the direction of Scoutmaster O.L. Ashburn at the Liberty theatre Tuesday evening. The proceeds will be used to help defray expenses of the camping trip planned by the two organizations for this month.

Attend the baseball dance at the Odd Fellows’ tomorrow night and help the Pagosa club. Whether you dance or not, buy a ticket, as funds are badly needed.

75 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
June 10, 1949

At the regular meeting of the Town Board on Monday night of this week, a contract was let to the Ripple and Howe Engineering firm for the engineering work in connection with the improvement of the Town water system. 

The engineers will draw up the specifications, after making a survey, for a new line to the reservoir from the pumping plant, a new pump, an infiltration gally and the re-lining of the reservoir. It is anticipated that this work will be completed in time that the Town may advertise for bids on the construction by July 1st. If the engineering work is completed by that date plans call for the completion of the construction work by the middle or last of October at the latest.

When this work is accomplished the Town water situation will be materially improved, as will the purity of the water.

W.H. Diestelkamp and Elbie L. Gann, owners of the D—G City Market have announced that they will have their formal opening on Tuesday of next week, June 14. The locker plant, which they recently purchased, has been completely remodeled and presents an attractive appearance. The entire first floor is taken up by the grocery department, meat department and lockers.

50 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
June 13, 1974

Hugh Pixler, 20 of Durango, an employee of San Juan Lumber Co., has been charged in District Court with setting the $1.4 million dollar lumber company fire June 1.

Pixler and two others were arrested by District Attorney investigators Saturday pursuant to arrest warrants, but charges against two of the men were dismissed. They now have been endorsed as witnesses.

Pixler was advised in Court Monday; bond was set at $5,000.00, and further proceedings were continued to June 14th.

Today the world seems to be a place filled with impatient people. Everyone is in a hurry, no one has time to be patient, or even polite in some cases. Not too many years ago most local residents had time to take off and fish a little, picnic a little, and do some yard work. Today instant mashed potatoes, frozen TV dinners, Instamatic cameras, packaged mixes and that includes various packages to make hamburger taste like something else  — have taken over. Surely there should be more time, but there just isn’t.

25 years ago

Taken from SUN files of
June 10, 1999

Archuleta County law enforcement is stepping up efforts to catch speeders, according to Sheriff Tom Richards.

“We’ll be enforcing the speed limits throughout the county,” Richards said. “A special emphasis is being placed on stopping speeding on roads that are used a lot and in the Fairfield Pagosa community. We’re told that the commissioners are getting a lot of complaints from the area.”

With the timeframe for tax payers to protest current year property valuations moving into its third week, the number of protests is “lighter than we expected,” according to County Assessor Keren Prior. 

Property values in Archuleta County this year showed significant increases, ranging from 8 to 61 percent of last year’s values for single-family residences constitutes a major portion of the total taxable value of county property.

Through the first part of this week, 580 protests had been filed. The local office mailed out property valuations on 16,348 parcels of property, according to Prior.