Healthy Archuleta group to lead composting activity July 29


Photo courtesy Healthy Archuleta

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on July 29, youth leaders from Healthy Archuleta’s Youth Community Learning and Leadership Circle will facilitate a composting activity at the Pagosa Farmers Market.

Healthy Archuleta

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on July 29, youth leaders from Healthy Archuleta’s Youth Community Learning and Leadership Circle will be facilitating a composting activity at the Pagosa Farmers Market. 

The activity involves using recycled milk jugs, food scraps and, of course, worms to create a small, educational composter. 

It will give community members a chance to see how composting happens and create something to begin composting themselves. 

Composting is the second-to-last resort when it comes to waste prevention, but it is still a great way to repurpose food scraps that would have otherwise been wasted. 

Families are invited to come by the Pagosa Farmers Market on July 29 and learn more about composting and the work that Healthy Archuleta does to further our community in the areas of health equity, nutrition security and community cohesion.