Dancing with the Pagosa Stars a success

2020/09/dwtps-DSC_0992-300x218.gif Photos courtesy Jeff Laydon
Seeds of Learning’s Dancing with the Pagosa Stars went virtual last weekend, allowing upward of 300 people to watch the production from home. The fundraiser netted about $165,000 for Seeds, and Gabriel Heraty garnered the night’s top prize.[/caption]

2020/09/dwtps-winners-IMG_8710-200x300.gifBy Lisa Peters

Seeds of Learning

There just don’t seem to be adequate words to express the gratitude of the staff and families of Seeds of Learning for the outpouring of support last Saturday night at Dancing with the Pagosa Stars from our loving generous Pagosa Springs community, and beyond. When there is a need, this small but mighty community reaches out like no other we’ve seen. Thank you, Pagosa, and also those of you beyond for giving us another magical night. Because of your giving spirit, we raised around $165,000.

With at least 315 guests watching on virtually and over 50 volunteers, stars, coaches, committee members, production crew and local businesses, this event illustrates the amazing support Seeds receives from this community. It is because of each and every one of these people and companies that Seeds is able to continue to provide low-income and at-risk kids with high-quality early education. 

We could not have better representatives of Seeds of Learning than our stars and coaches this year. Every year, we choose stars that are a broad representation of the Pagosa Springs community, are well-known and respected in the community, and have giving spirits. And this year was no exception. Our winners were:

• Mirror Ball Trophy Winner: Gabriel Heraty with coach Alora Pelligrino. 

2020/09/dwtps-DSC_1241-300x172.gif• Best Showmanship: Quinlan Quiros with coach John Gillam. 

• Best Male Dancer: Dr. Bob Bonham with coach Hayley Hudson. 

• Best Female Dancer: Theresa Snyder with coach Nolan King. 

• Most Original Performance: Jonathan Dobson with coach Sharina Ramsey-Adams.

The entire Seeds of Learning community is so grateful for everyone’s support. Thank you. 
