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County awards $18,000 in funding for Cloman Park disc golf project


At its May 21 meeting, the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) voted to award $18,000 in Conservation Trust Fund monies to the Four Corners Flyers to support the construction of concrete tee pads at the Cloman Park disc golf course.

The BoCC previously discussed the funding request from the Four Corners Flyers at its May 14 work session, where organization representatives explained that they were requesting funding to support the installation of 36 concrete tee pads on the disc golf course at Cloman Park.

They added that the organization is currently working on completing the installation of tee pads on Reservoir Hill, which they hope to finish in the next month.

The installation of tee pads in Cloman Park would be proposed to begin in September, they indicated.

Commissioner Ronnie Maez commented that installing the tee pads has been “a long time coming.”

He added that he was confident that this funding request could be supported by the Conservation Trust Fund, which can be used for “parks and trails.”

He concluded that he was “not opposed” to funding the request, although he wanted to check with the Finance Department to assess if enough funds are available.

In response to a question from the Four Corners Flyers representatives, Maez indicated that the fund request would have to be considered at a BoCC meeting, although he had not yet heard from the other commissioners on if they supported the proposal.

Commissioner Warren Brown asked if the county would reimburse the group as invoices for the project are generated or if the organization had a plan for the project.

The representatives indicated that the organization has a plan and knows the projected cost.

They added that they would be open to either approach, but would prefer to be awarded the funds directly to reduce the waiting time for the county to award funds.

Commissioner Veronica Medina concluded the discussion by directing the Finance Department to assess if the funding is available and indicating that the county would alert the Four Corners Flyers once a determination was made.

At the May 21 meeting, County Attorney Todd Weaver presented the request for consideration, explaining that $18,000 was available in the Conservation Trust Fund.

The board then unanimously voted to approve the funding request.

Secure Rural Schools funding

Also at the meeting, the BoCC approved allocating the entirety of $257,328.81 in Secure Rural Schools received from the state of Colorado to the Archuleta School District (ASD).

Prior to the vote, Finance Director Chad Eaton explained that the county is required to dedicate 25 percent or more of the funding to the local school district and that any funding the county did not allocate to the schools would be deducted from the county’s Payment in Lieu of Taxes funding.

For this reason, he recommended that the county allocate the entirety of the funding to ASD, as it has done in the past.