Cards of Thanks


Healthy Archuleta

A huge shout out to the community of Pagosa Springs for your donations at our food drive at City Market on September 9th. The donations help supplement the Archuleta County food pantries, which is sorely needed right now. I have been helping with this food drive for over a year. I was reminded again how proud I am to live here and call Pagosa my home. The Pagosa Springs community is compassionate as well as giving and always willing to help.

On September 9th we had some new folks and we had some return volunteers. They, too, were taken with just how giving our community is. We were slow at first, and then it seemed as though someone opened the floodgates; we kept filling grocery carts with bags of food. The donated items go to the Food Distribution Center, and from there, the food is distributed to the food pantries in the county. 

Thank you again, Pagosa, I and all of us here at the Healthy Archuleta are and will be forever grateful. For more information please visit our website, 

Andrea Peltier

Healthy Archuleta Food Drive volunteer coordinator