Bowles achieves Eagle Scout rank


Andrew Bowles

By Jennifer Walterscheid | Scoutmaster, Troop 807

Andrew Bowles, 18, achieved the rank of Eagle Scout on July 8. 

Bowles is attending Colorado School of Mines. He has spent his youth excelling in school, athletics, scouting and other activities. His dedication and commitment have gained him multiple college scholarships. Through all his accomplishments, Bowles has continued to be gracious. He has contributed to many community service projects and shares his knowledge with those around him. 

He is a member of Troop 807 of the Great Southwest Council, located in Pagosa Springs. Troop 807 is chartered with Grace in Pagosa Church and supported by Community United Methodist Church.

To earn the rank of Eagle Scout, a Scout must complete requirements for six prior ranks and earn at least 21 merit badges. Of those, 14 are required to achieve Eagle Scout rank, then the Scout must earn an additional seven (or more) badges of his or her choosing. Learning leadership skills and performing acts of community service prepares the scout to conduct a community service project, known as the Eagle Project.

Bowles has earned 25 merit badges and completed his Eagle Project in February. He built a table that is now located at Veterans Memorial Park. The project has contributed to the development of the park, which honors veterans and provides the community the ability to recreate and enjoy the area.

Andrew is the son of Ken and Anita Bowles and has one sister; Annabelle.

He has worked hard on this journey, with the support of his family, friends and scouts. Andrew Bowles now joins an elite group of scouts.