Healthy Archuleta announces Grow and Share program potluck orientation


Photo courtesy Healthy Archuleta
Healthy Archuleta will hold a potluck and orientation for its Grow and Share program at 5 p.m. on May 11 in Centennial Park.

Healthy Archuleta

As gardeners in Archuleta County are preparing their soil and planning their first spring plantings, many are considering planting a little extra to share with the food pantry network. 

With the recent cuts in SNAP benefits, rising food costs and ongoing supply chain issues, our local food pantries need community support now more than ever. 

The Healthy Archuleta Growers and Producers Group has been working to support gardeners to grow extra produce to contribute to the food pantry network and is seeking backyard gardeners to participate in the Grow and Share program.

A potluck orientation and meet and greet will be held on Thursday, May 11, at 5 p.m. in Centennial Park next to the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership domes. Backyard growers who would like to donate produce to the pantries this summer are encouraged to attend. 

Grow and Share Coordinator Kristen Roth, Food Distribution Center Coordinator Joline LeftHandBull and garden educator Kim Barnes will provide information about what to plant, when and where to donate, how to harvest and package produce, and answer any gardening questions. In the spirit of sharing food and building community, there will be a potluck meal and time to connect with other local growers. Please bring a dish to share.

 To RSVP, or if you cannot attend the event but would like to learn more about donating produce, send an email to Vanessa at To learn more about the efforts of Healthy Archuleta and get involved, please visit