Noxious Weed of the Month: halogeton


Photo courtesy Ethan Proud
Halogeton, common in Arboles, is a List C noxious weed species, meaning that it is widespread in Colorado and the goal is to suppress its populations. 

By Ethan Proud | PREVIEW Columnist 

Halogeton is a List C noxious weed species, meaning that it is widespread in Colorado and the goal is to suppress its populations. It is common in Arboles as it thrives in arid and semi-arid areas. It is a member of the goosefoot family and has small green flowers that are not noticeable. 

The seeds, however, are striking and have papery wings that catch the eye. Halogeton has red stems and fleshy, tube-like leaves. This plant can grow up to a foot and a half tall, but its taproot can extend just as far into the soil.

Halogeton is a problem in pasture and rangeland as it accumulates salt and is toxic to livestock. Dead plant material leaches the salt into the topsoil, which favors halogeton seed germination over that of native species. Halogeton is not typically selected by livestock as forage, which can lead to an increased population in heavily grazed situations. This is due to desirable forage being removed as a competitor while the halogeton is left to flourish. 

The seeds of halogeton do not survive long in the soil, but they can germinate one hour after exposure to water.

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