A Matter of Faith: Isn’t spring exciting?


By Royce King

PREVIEW Columnist

Isn’t spring exciting? I love spring. Spring brings with it the sign of new life, flower beds full of color, trees in bloom and birds welcoming the morning sun. Most of us find this time of the year refreshing, thrilling and a season we anxiously await. For those of us who have lived in a climate with harsh winters, even our souls rejoice with the signs of spring.

The birth of a baby, new life, is another time that brings great joy. The “oohs, aahs, how cute, how precious, what a blessing …” come out of our mouths without hesitation. Why? New life is an exciting miracle.

The Berean translation of 2 Corinthians 5:17 puts it this way, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come into being.” 

I love the word “being.” We are human beings, yet we usually define ourselves as human doings. Let me illustrate. Imagine the last time you walked into a room of strangers. You walked up, shook hands and introduced yourself. When you introduced yourself, you said your name and promptly followed it up by your profession. If you didn’t offer that information, the person you were meeting may have said “What do you do?” as one of their initial questions.

Immediately we define ourselves by what we do.

However, 2 Corinthians states “Behold, the new has come into BEING.” “Behold” means to gaze upon. Picture the last sunset — and what beautiful sunsets Pagosa Springs supplies — you watched fade into the horizon; the sunset was so beautiful you were beholden to it until the sky turned from brilliant red and orange to black. 

In a doing mode, we are focused on tasks, driven to perform and reach a goal. In the being mode, however, we are accepting, allowing, resting in the present, and shifting to relational thoughts and feelings. God is a god of relationships. Adam and Eve witnessed this when God spent every day walking in the garden with them. He’s always sought a relationship with us and wanted to be with us. As a new creation, we are full of life. Notice the descriptive “full of.” Not just life, but walking around full of life. What a beautiful picture that is to see you full of life, my sweet friend.

Excerpt taken from “Unwrapping Your Worth in Christ: Relishing Moments With God.” 

This column includes both fiction and non-fiction, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of The SUN. Submissions can be sent to editor@pagosasun.com.