Community Band concert coming Oct. 26


By Carol Larson

Special to The PREVIEW

This coming Saturday, the Pagosa Springs Community Band will be in concert.

Under the batons of Larry Elginer and Larry Baisdon, the band will be presenting “At the Movies.” Each piece presented will take you to your favorite moments from some of the best loved movies of all time. From “The Wizard of Oz” to “Star Wars” and many places in between, there’s something for everyone.

The all-volunteer band is comprised of a variety of players from seasoned veterans to promising students. Near octogenarians will be seated next to high school and junior high school players. Together, their talents will delight the audience with this crowd-pleasing show.

The student musicians represent the heart of the mission of the band and the parent organization, the Pagosa Springs Instrumental Music Society (PSIMS). PSIMS was founded to provide continuing musical opportunities for players of all abilities and has funded a variety of projects for the elementary school, middle/junior high school, high school and made private lessons available to a number of students that were not able to afford them. Current fundraising is earmarked for a set of chimes to be shared by all of the schools. Donations made to PSIMS for this project may be tax deductible.

PSIMS currently produces four programs a year: Band-O-Rama in the spring, which brings together all of the school with the Community Band; the July Fourth patriotic concert; the Fall Concert; and the Heralds of Christmas, presented at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church. Watch for this year’s Heralds concert coming Dec. 15 and 16.

The program this Saturday will be presented in Pagosa Springs High School auditorium at 7 p.m. The concert is free of charge and donations will be gratefully accepted. Join the Community Band this weekend for a great time “At the Movies.”