Unitarian Universalists to look at religious humanism


By Dean Cerny

Special to The PREVIEW

On Sunday, Sept. 22, at 10:30 a.m., the Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will put into play its fourth principle, which establishes “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”

So, what exactly does this mean? At a practical level, it involves questioning the way we “do religion.” That means, in particular, we will reflect on the both the boon and the bane of grounding a faith in spiritual humanism.

Join us as we look into the legacy of Unitarian Universalisms’ brand of religious humanism. This service will be led by Pastor Dean Cerny, who espouses caution when working within the humanistic perspective of life.

Be certain to stick around after the service for food, drinks and conversation.

Check out our calendar of events at pagosauu.org. All of these events take place at Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza. From North Pagosa Boulevard, turn onto Park Avenue, then turn into the Greenbriar Plaza, drive to the east side of the parking lot and look for the Unitarian Universalist sign, facing north.

If you would like to schedule a private meeting with Cerny, or for further information, call 731-7900.