County resident loses garage to fire


Pagosa Fire Protection District personnel were busy the afternoon of Wednesday, Nov. 4, responding to smells of gas, vehicle accidents and a structure fire that left an Archuleta County resident without a garage.

According to the PFPD’s David Montoya, who served as incident commander on the structure fire, the garage/pole barn structure caught fire while the homeowner was building a fire in a woodstove.

“It was a total loss,” Montoya said of the garage located along County Road 600.

Montoya said the PFPD was dispatched to the fire at 1:08 p.m. on Nov. 4, with the first personnel on scene at 1:15 p.m. A total of 16 PFPD personnel responded to the scene with six pieces of equipment, including support vehicles.

PFPD personnel had the fire knocked down at 1:33 p.m., Montoya reported, and fully under control by 1:54 p.m. Operations continued at the site until 4:55 p.m

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