Town of Pagosa Springs Historic Preservation Board regular meeting agenda Wed., Jan. 14


Town of Pagosa Springs

Historic Preservation Board

Regular Meeting Agenda

Wed., Jan. 14, at 5:15p.m. in the Town Hall, 551 Hot Springs Blvd.

I. Call to Order / Roll Call

II. Announcements:

III. Approval of Minutes:

Approval of December 3, 2014 HPB Meeting Minutes.

IV. Public Comment:

V. Sign Review:

VI. Landmark Designations:

VII. Alteration Certificate Review:

VIII. Tax Credit Review:

IX. Project Review:

Review of HPB Projects HPB Queued for 2015.

X. Decision Items:

Adopt Regular HPB Meeting Schedule for 2015.

Elect HPB Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for 2015.

Regional Heritage Brochure

XI. Discussion Items:

XII. Public Comment:

XIII. Reports and Comments:

Planning Department Report.

Historic Preservation Board Ideas, Comments and Discussion.

XIV. Adjournment: