Audubon meeting features arborglyphs expert

By Becky Herman

Special to The PREVIEW

Photo courtesy Peggy Bergon Peggy Bergon will speak about “Arborglyphs in the San Juan Mountains” at next Wednesday’s Audubon Society meeting. Photo courtesy Peggy Bergon
Peggy Bergon will speak about “Arborglyphs in the San Juan Mountains” at next Wednesday’s Audubon Society meeting.[/caption]

The Weminuche Audubon Society monthly meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 16, in the senior dining room of the community center.

Peggy Bergon’s topic will be “Arborglyphs in the San Juan Mountains.” It’s a subject which has interested her for a long time, and that interest has resulted in a collection of photographs and a body of knowledge about the carvings and the carvers. Basque sheepherders were using Colorado high country for summer grazing as long ago as the early 1800s. This has been verified by the fact that some carvings were dated.

It was a lonely life of constant movement, and they used their aspen tree carvings to communicate with others who might pass through portions of the paths they themselves had taken. The problem for the historian, in his efforts to preserve a record of this nomadic life, is that an aspen tree lives a relatively short life. So, documentation has been vital, before damage from fire or vandals or time occurs.

Everyone is welcome to attend Peggy’s presentation. Setup of the room starts at 6 p.m. and the program begins a half hour later. Coming early allows time for greeting friends and listening to the inevitable bird and wildlife stories which happen when a group of birders assemble. Coffee, tea and cookies will be served. Hope to see you there.