Dan Keuning announces run for coroner


Staff Writer

Dan Keuning Dan Keuning

Dan Keuning is officially in the race for Archuleta County coroner, recently announcing his candidacy.

Keuning, a local medical professional with 23 years of experience as a registered nurse and nurse practitioner, said his decision to run for coroner came from years of being a deputy coroner under current coroner Carl Macht, and a desire to do more.

“After celebrating 20 years in Pagosa it was time to play a greater local role in the care of our community. As a deputy coroner with Carl Macht for over 15 years, it was a natural progression to move into this role. I desire to serve the community with responsiveness, dignity, and honesty,” Keuning wrote in an e-mail to SUN staff regarding his decision to run.

If elected, Keuning said he plans to have a team of deputy coroners with expertise in several areas, from medicine to death investigation, and said he has commitments from several Archuleta County citizens willing to be part of the team.

“We have to have a team to make this job be both responsive and professional,” Keuning wrote, adding that he hopes to work with the various county departments, as well as the Pagosa Springs Police Department, Colorado State Patrol and volunteers.

For years, Keuning said he has worked as a medical liaison for the Archuleta County Detention Center and sheriff’s deputies, and also provides hospice and palliative care in the community.
