West Fork Fire Complex grows to 8,375 acres with high growth potential

SUN Photo/ Mike Pierce With extreme conditions present the West Fork Fire Complex doubles in size on Wednesday afternoon. SUN Photo/ Mike Pierce
With extreme conditions present the West Fork Fire Complex doubles in size on Wednesday afternoon.

Basic Information

Incident Type:Wildfire
Date of Origin:Wednesday June 05th, 2013 approx. 12:30 PM
Location:14.5 mi NE of Pagosa Springs
Incident Commander:Curtis Heaton

Current Situation

Total Personnel:292
Size:8,375 acres
Fuels Involved:Timber with heavy dead standing bug kill
Fire Behavior:Extreme fire behavior; 100 ft flame lengths; spotting up to 3/4 mile. Red Flag Warning Thurs-Sat.
Significant Events:The strategy is indirect attack and point protection tactics focusing on efforts where probability of success is highest while not compromising firefighter safety.


Growth Potential:High
Terrain Difficulty:Extreme
Remarks:Phoenix NIMO assumed command on June 19.

Current Weather

Wind Conditions:15-25 G35 mph SW
Temperature:75 degrees