Historic Preservation Board seeks new members


By James Dickhoff

Special to The SUN

Are you interested or skilled in Historic Preservation related professions? The Town’s Historic Preservation Board (HPB) seeks new members to serve on the Board. Eligible board members can reside outside town limits and are appointed to serve four-year terms. At least two of the board members will be professionals in preservation-related disciplines such as architecture, architectural history, archaeology, history, planning or other historic preservation-related disciplines such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography, or cultural anthropology.

The HPB is the local review authority for State Historical Grant applications, state and federal tax credit applications for preservation projects. The HPB was established in 1999 for the purpose to recognize, protect, and promote the retention and use of historic sites and districts within the community  and to promote educational opportunities and awareness of the unique heritage of Pagosa Springs by:

1) Identifying and designating historic landmarks and historic districts to ensure the preservation of Pagosa Springs’ historic character as a timber, logging and livestock town, as well as a hot springs destination and a regional economic and cultural center.

2) Promoting the cultural, educational, and economic welfare of Pagosa Springs through the preservation of historic structures and areas, the stabilization of historic neighborhoods and the preservation of the historic character of the community.

3) Creating a means to draw a reasonable balance between private property rights and the public interest in preserving the unique historical and cultural character of Pagosa Springs.

4) Ensuring that alteration, relocation or demolition of a property of historic value is carefully considered for its impact on the property’s historic contribution to Pagosa Springs’ heritage.

5) Increasing economic and financial benefits to the town and owners of historic properties while protecting and improving the attractiveness of the town, as a result of the preservation of the historic character of the community.

6) Fostering civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the past, as represented in Pagosa Springs’ historic landmarks and historic districts.

7) Retaining and enhancing the value of those properties and architectural features that contribute to the character of historic landmarks and historic districts (as well as those found outside of the district), and encouraging their adaptation for current use.

8) Encouraging the maintenance and upkeep of historic resources.

9) Educating citizens and visitors about the history of the local and regional community, the value of preserving historic properties and the materials and methods of preservation.

Individuals interested in serving on the HPB should submit a letter of interest, that includes a brief resume listing any relative experience if any, to the Town Planning Department at PO Box 1859, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, and questions can be directed to the planning department at 264-4151, Ext. 225.