Club 20 Archuleta County caucus to be held Dec. 17


By Vanessa Gross

Special to The SUN

Club 20 members are encouraged to mark their calendars for the 2012 Archuleta County caucus.

The event will take place noon-1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 17, at Pagosa Pub Works Brewpub, 165 North Pagosa Blvd.

During this event, Club 20 members will have the opportunity to elect their county representatives to serve on the Club 20 Board of Directors for the 2012-2014 term.

Guidelines for voting at the County Caucus are as follows:

• Club 20 members who have been members for at least 90 days prior to the caucus are entitled to vote in this process.  To serve on the board, members must have belonged to Club 20 for at least six months prior to the caucus date.

• Election to the board of directors will be for a two-year term.  (Currently, Robin Schiro is the voting director; Mary Jo Coulehan and J.R. Ford are the alternate directors.)

• If you cannot attend, you can designate another member to vote your proxy.   They must carry your written proxy instructions with them.  No member may carry more than two proxy votes.

For additional information, visit or contact Club 20 at (970) 242-3264 or via e-mail at admin@Club

Club 20 is the 59-year-old coalition of individuals, businesses, organizations and communities in western Colorado’s 22 counties and exists to advocate for the interests of this region on both the state and national level.