Voting remains open for Runway for Rise


The Runway for Rise fundraiser for Rise Above Violence has involved a large number of volunteers donating many hours of time. We wouldn’t have a show without the team members we’ve been highlighting in The SUN for weeks. Their commitment to creating a great show, as well as asking friends, family and local businesses for financial support, has been truly inspiring.

The S.A.D. team of Summer Damico, Amelia Laverty and Courtney Sullivan have a special reason for being involved. 

They have explained, “Being a dental team we see how domestic violence affects people’s teeth/hygiene. We see people who feel like they can’t smile anymore due to being mentally and physically abused. We want to be here for people to get their smiles back and feel confident in who they are. Take a scary situation and make it a little bit better. We are so grateful to be part of this amazing event.”

The volunteer event committee includes Ann Bubb, Sueyel Grace, Michela Marsh, Lynne McCrudden, Dee McPeek, Gus Palma, Sherry Phillips, Nancy Ray, Jan Santopietro, Kristen Roth and Lvonne Wilson.

Working for months, this merry band has made decisions, solved problems and offered remarkable ideas to make this event a success. They are participating because they believe in Rise services like the Youth Violence Prevention Education Program. Serving elementary-aged students through young adulthood, this program provides them with the tools to be safe while being an effective bystander when they see a peer in trouble. Rise believes involving our youth is the way domestic violence and sexual assault truly can be stopped.

Voting for the teams is a way you can thank all these amazing volunteers for their efforts. Your donations support the Rise programs these volunteers are passionate about. 

Go to, add your dollars to team totals, and enjoy the good feeling of being part of a community effort to end domestic violence. 

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