Photography Club presentation to feature conservation photography


By Gregg Heid | Pagosa Springs Photography Club

The next meeting of the Pagosa Springs Photography Club will be held on Wednesday, April 12, 6:30 p.m., at the Community United Methodist Church, 434 Lewis St.

Our presentation this month will feature photos of China’s giant and lesser pandas presented by Katherine Feng. She will also show photos of the lesser-known snub-nosed monkeys and the critically endangered black-crested gibbons and white-headed langurs. 

This will be a hybrid meeting, also available on Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to members; others who wish to attend may request the link by email to If attending in person, feel free to arrive any time after 6 p.m. for socializing; the actual presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. Photography Club meetings are open to the public.

Feng is a retired veterinarian who devotes her photography to protecting China’s endangered species and their habitat. Feng is a senior fellow of the prestigious International League of Conservation Photography. 

Feng spent six to nine months a year for 4 1/2 years in China’s Wolong Nature Reserve documenting the work of staff and researchers to save the giant pandas from extinction. Her images have been published internationally in calendars, books, National Geographic, Paris Match and numerous conservation magazines. Her giant panda images are featured in the children’s book “Panda Kindergarten.”

Feng will present a program on how she approaches conservation photography to educate the public about wildlife, their habitat and people’s efforts to protect them. She works closely with the different nature reserves in China where she donates her images for conservation purposes.

The Photography Club sponsors monthly programs on photographic topics and field trips to various areas of photographic interest. Longtime photographers and those just starting out are welcome in the Club. Nonmembers are invited to attend a meeting and may receive the Zoom link by email to For information on joining the club, visit