UUs beginning season of reflection as light wanes


Pagosa Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship in-person services are normally on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10:30 a.m. The availability of Zoom services will vary depending on the service. In-person meditation practice is on the second and fourth Sundays at 9:30 a.m. 

This Sunday’s message, “Just Be Still,” will be delivered by De Anna Hoyle. All are welcome to join in-person or on Zoom. To join the Zoom meeting, use https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8991941305.

The liturgy for the lighting of the advent candles in the UU tradition by the Rev. Rosemary Morrison is as follows: “The placing of candles upon a circle of evergreens is an age-old tradition. Lighting additional candles each day or week as the light wanes, has been part of human rituals for centuries upon centuries. We are warmed by the glow, we are reminded that the wheel of the season will turn, and brilliant lengthening days will return.”

As we begin this advent season, we turn our focus to the waiting aspect of the season. Join us as we gather in community to honor the darkening days and look inward for ways to hold hope, peace, joy and love within, and in the wider world.

Through song and story, Hoyle will share a bit about her journey of becoming a spiritual companion and share the litany of lighting the advent wreath.

Hoyle served as the coordinator of religious education for the Pagosa UU Fellowship from 2007-2011. She went on to serve as credentialed director of religious education for Unitarian Universalist congregations in New Mexico and the Denver area. As a lifelong learner, Hoyle engages in a deep longing for peace building, along with working toward a more sustainable earth. She practices meditation and dances whenever and wherever she can to embody all of it.

Regarding COVID-19 protocol: masking continues to be optional and social distancing is encouraged; however, please be aware that CDC tracking of the COVID-19 hospital admissions level in Archuleta County has been increased to medium. The maximum capacity of the fellowship has been reduced to 25, a very good reason for arriving a few minutes early. 

Our fellowship offers each individual support in our unique spiritual path and an opportunity to participate in positive social and environmental action. We welcome diversity and invite everyone to share in our faith community. 

Find us in Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza 301 N. Pagosa Blvd. on the north side facing the Pagosa Peak. Join us. For more information about the fellowship, please visit www.pagosauu.org.