ColorFest tickets now on sale, citizenship assistance available


By Mary Jo Coulehan | Pagosa Springs Area Chamber of Commerce

ColorFest 2023 tickets are now on sale. This anticipated fall event is starting to take shape with three components that make up the weekend. A huge attraction for the weekend is the stunning hot air balloons that grace the skies both in the downtown area and on the west side of town. 

The balloons will take off every morning at about 7:30 a.m. This year on Saturday, we anticipate several waves of balloons due to the limited launch area in the downtown area. There is no charge for this viewing. 

The annual Passport to Pagosa Wine and Food Festival will take place in the tent in the athletic field in Town Park the evening of Sept. 15. This sold-out event highlights Pagosa’s fine restaurants, caterers and specialty food shops. Along with delicious food, attendees are treated to fine domestic and international wines. This year’s entertainment will be Bob Hemenger, who we are lucky to get with his busy schedule. This is a 21-plus event and there are two types of tickets: VIP and general admission. With VIP tickets come reserved seating, a VIP gift, the wine glass, and wine and food tickets. You may purchase up to eight VIP tickets which constitutes a full table. General admission has open seating, nonguaranteed seating, the glass, and wine and food tickets. More information on the event will be forthcoming. 

Tickets for the Band and Brews event on Sept. 16 are also on sale. For this event there are two types of tickets: beer tasting and general admission. The beer-tasting ticket allows you entrance to the event, a beer-tasting glass and access to all the fine quaffs offered by the participating breweries. You must be 21 or older to purchase a beer-tasting ticket. ID will be verified at the event. A general admission ticket allows you entrance to the event only. Wine by the glass and nonalcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. There will also be food vendors and two live bands. General admission tickets are for attendees 15 years old and older. Children 14 and younger are free to attend the event. There will be more activities which we will announce soon. 

You can purchase tickets for the event by going to the Chamber’s website and clicking on the date of the event you want to attend through the calendar of events, or you can click on the ColorFest graphic on the home page to take you to registration. You do need to register for each event separately. 

Visit to find out more information. Please read the directions on how to place your ticket order on the registration site to facilitate your ordering process. Questions concerning ticketing can be directed to staff at the Chamber at (970) 264-2360. 

Attention employers who have employees seeking citizenship

Through the Campaneros Organization in Durango, free legal assistance is being offered to people who have questions on DACA, citizenship or immigration cases. 

On Friday, July 28, there will be a workshop on DACA and citizenship. The session begins at 4 p.m. in Durango at the Student Union Building at Fort Lewis College. The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition will first present and then there will be trained volunteers available to help complete USCIS forms. 

There are only 25 spaces available and one of your employees could be in need of this assistance. 

Then, on Saturday, July 29, Companeros will also be offering legal aid assistance for people who might have a complicated immigration case. 

The free 30-minute sessions are from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and you must sign up to receive assistance. Slots are filling up fast. Do you have an employee, a friend or maybe someone from your church that could use this type of service? Pass the word and have them call Companeros at (970) 375-9406.